Thursday, August 30, 2007


The Process of Meditation

In this video Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., (Director of Training at Kundalini Research Institute - KRI) shares his thoughts on the topic of meditation and in relation to Guru Nanak’s bani/prayer of Japji Sahib. He explains the mental process of meditation.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Tips for Effective Communication

In this video Guruka Singh answers a question about how we can communicate better and more effectively.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The Experience of Jaap Sahib

Video excerpt from the Jaap Sahib course in Espanola, New Mexico on the topic of Guru Gobind Singh ji’s bani. Jugat Guru Singh Khalsa (Chardikala Jatha) talks about how it is important to learn about the Sikh Gurus and the history to deepen the experience.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


What is Guru?

This was a question that was emailed in to us relating to the terms "Guru" and "God".

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Mata Jito Ji and Guru Gobind Singh

Here is another one of the stories by Shanti Kaur Khalsa from the Jaap Sahib Course about Guru Gobind Singh ji’s wife Mata Jito Ji.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Where the Sun Sets

During the Jaap Sahib course here in Espanola earlier this month, Gurutej Singh (founder of Akal Security) started his class with a poem from his poetry book titled "Children of the Cusp". The book is a collection of poetry describing life on a spiritual path in this modern age, here in the west. The poems describe the spread of Sikh Dharma to the west and the reflections of a student. This is an awesome book of poetry that is really moving.

This poem titled "Where the Sun Sets" is about Guru Gobind Singh (Rishi Dusht Daman) and his "Job" of coming back to earth to change humanity.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


The Singhnia (Sikh Women) of Guru Gobind Singh

During the Jaap Sahib course here in Espanola, New Mexico Shanti Kaur Khalsa taught an inspiring class titled "The Singhnia of Guru Gobind Singh". This was a 1.5 hour class which might be a bit long for you to watch at a stretch so I have taken this class and edited it into different portions and topics. The following is a video of Shanti Kaur talking about the power of woman and the Sikh women from the time of Guru Gobind Singh.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Chardikala Jatha - Love of Gurbani Kirtan (in Punjabi)

Here is the final video with Sadasat Simran Singh and Jugat Guru Singh (Chardikala Jatha) answering my question about why he chose to study Gurbani Kirtan/Raag and what they envision for the future.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Sadasat Simran Singh - Why I am a Sikh (in Punjabi)

Here is the third short video interview with Sadasat Simran Singh (Chardikala Jatha). In this video he shares in Punjabi why he is a Sikh and chose to live is life on this path.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Gora Sikh Pride

Ok…it’s friday so thought I would have a little fun. A few years ago I saw a totally funny T-Shirt that Sadasat Simran Singh had made and was wearing one afternoon for some sports. It said "Gora Sikh Pride" on the front. I knew I had to have one of those because it just makes people smile. So a little over two years ago (on a friday just like today) I fired up photoshop and made a quick "Gora Sikh Pride" T-shirt Design. I remember in India people used to always whisper… "Oh…Gora Sikh hai…!". Hahaha… !!

Well, as part of the Punjabi interviews that I did a couple of days ago with Sadasat Simran Singh (Chardikala Jatha), I thought It would be fun to ask him about the "Gora Sikh" topic. Below is the short video. Have a fun weekend! (More videos to come next week)

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Punjabi Interview with Chardikala Jatha about Bana

We just finished an amazing 4 days of the Jaap Sahib course here in Espanola, New Mexico. You all missed a good thing! We even had quite a few people come from as far as England! Those of you who missed it are in luck, because I recorded some of the happenings, and over the next weeks/months I’ll be posting bits and pieces as we have time to sift through and edit it.

During the Jaap Sahib Course the Chardikala Jatha were quite involved so I recorded a lot of interesting video with them talking about many different topics. On the last day I was able to pull them into the SikhNet office to do a few quick interviews. Sadasat Simran Singh speaks Punjabi quite fluently so I thought it would be cool to have a video interview with him in Punjabi (though I do ask the questions in English). Here is one of the videos from yesterday….

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