Friday, August 10, 2007


Gora Sikh Pride

Ok…it’s friday so thought I would have a little fun. A few years ago I saw a totally funny T-Shirt that Sadasat Simran Singh had made and was wearing one afternoon for some sports. It said "Gora Sikh Pride" on the front. I knew I had to have one of those because it just makes people smile. So a little over two years ago (on a friday just like today) I fired up photoshop and made a quick "Gora Sikh Pride" T-shirt Design. I remember in India people used to always whisper… "Oh…Gora Sikh hai…!". Hahaha… !!

Well, as part of the Punjabi interviews that I did a couple of days ago with Sadasat Simran Singh (Chardikala Jatha), I thought It would be fun to ask him about the "Gora Sikh" topic. Below is the short video. Have a fun weekend! (More videos to come next week)

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