Thursday, August 09, 2007


Punjabi Interview with Chardikala Jatha about Bana

We just finished an amazing 4 days of the Jaap Sahib course here in Espanola, New Mexico. You all missed a good thing! We even had quite a few people come from as far as England! Those of you who missed it are in luck, because I recorded some of the happenings, and over the next weeks/months I’ll be posting bits and pieces as we have time to sift through and edit it.

During the Jaap Sahib Course the Chardikala Jatha were quite involved so I recorded a lot of interesting video with them talking about many different topics. On the last day I was able to pull them into the SikhNet office to do a few quick interviews. Sadasat Simran Singh speaks Punjabi quite fluently so I thought it would be cool to have a video interview with him in Punjabi (though I do ask the questions in English). Here is one of the videos from yesterday….

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