Saturday, August 16, 2008
Unleash the Creative Sikh
Are you working on your video yet for the SikhNet Online Film Festival?? You are? Good to hear….!! If you are not, watch below video and then get started!
I know you are thinking you don’t know anything about making a video and coming up with reasons not to make a video. But don’t waste any more energy thinking that way, and start thinking of all the reasons why you SHOULD make a video! Not only will it be fun and you’ll learn something new; but you’ll have a chance to be creative, speak up, and have a voice to many thousands of people around the world (plus a chance at winning some $$, fame, and being watched on TV as well). So, unleash the creative Sikh in you! You have a full 31 days from today which is plenty of time!!
Special thanks to Jasmeet Singh Bansal (Pa, USA) for making this Film Festival Promo Video!