Saturday, September 08, 2007


Gurujot Singh and the Epic Movie

Well, it was just another friday and it was almost time to head home. After watching the film festival video "Teen Puncture" I thought how funny it was to see so many different credits at the end of this movie. I guess he had a whole crew of people helping. So I thought it would be funny to have a video of just a few seconds of something…and then a long list of outrageous credits.

Gurujot and his brother Meeri Peeri were in the office so I convinced them to help me make a short silly video. I had to meet my wife and kids at a dinner party so we only had about 30 minutes to record, capture and edit. The one thing that I have found with these videos is that once you start with something….you could go on forever trying to edit and improve it. Our time limit prevented too much of that for us. Here is the result. A bit raw… but we had fun with it. Inspired by Nihang Singh…

Ps. Stay tuned on monday for Gurujot Singh’s (Espanola, NM) funny and awesome film debut in the SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival!

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